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Messages - Beaky

Oh, Marsi, you are a doll for sharing that chart! I've been in need of one of those for years XD!
Dexter comes whirring back into the studio. "So, how's everybody doing? Descriptions coming along okay? We starting to think about palettes and sketching?"

"Ooo!" Monte flags down the intern. "Sorry, I started a little out of order. I just - I noticed that my old ID was really old. I look so young in that picture!"

"Nah, of course, man; that's what we're here to work on. Let's see what you've got."

Monte, blushing profusely, passes Beaky's preliminary sketch to Codex:

"Hey, this is good stuff here! Very helpful."

Even more blushing!! "It's not finished." Obviously. He wasn't wearing pants! "See where we disagreed on how long my Tail's gotten? And she ran out of space for my other foot..."

"Yeah, but it's got your beard, your wing claw - this is nothing to sneer at! Why don't you and your portrait artist have a pow-wow about your physical description, and then go ahead and get your palette key started." Glancing over, Dex decided to have a word with this particular artist. Seems cropping out feet was a reoccurring problem for her.

"Hey, these are supposed to be references. Not Math class margin doodles. Spiff it up please, ok? NO PLACEHOLDERS, PEOPLE! No "I'll get to this later"s. Today is your day! Make it count!"
The Commons / [Event] The Great CD Update Challenge!
February 28, 2017, 01:21:44 AM
A semi-translucent, rattlenaga - barely bigger than a pot-belly pig - is zooming around a room full of filing cabinets in a hover disc. It's impossible to tell if the little dragon is a he or a she. Maybe they're both. Maybe they're neither. The rattlenaga phases into full view at your approach.

"Oh, hey there! Welcome to The Directory! You here for the Update Challenge? Awesome! The studio's all set up for you. There's a writing lab down that way, and a cafeteria that way. Hmm? Me?! My name is Corialane Codex - you can call me Dex. Uhh - I'm an intern here. I've been put in charge of... reorganizing things a bit." Dex keys a few things in on their tablet. Their third-eye bindi blinks as it syncs with the updates. "It's been zooy in here ever since Senator Kutomo started investigating the immigration office. I mean, we're talking dragons with no photo ID, dragons with no historical records, dragons who've been MIA for years, NPC's running around the Shoutbox - it's been a Nightmare, believe me. I'm so glad you're here to help."

Dex zips off to collect a stack of file folders. When they return with the pile, and see you still standing there, they mention, "You've done this before, right?... First timers! Well, welcome, welcome, I'm sorry. I thought you were veterans... Yeah, yeah, I guess a lot has changed in ten years - The Directory probably looks a little different. Well, here, let me get you a pamphlet." Dex drops the file folders unceremoniously in the trash, and bids you to follow them around the Registration desk. They pull open a brochure, "Every week we host workshops to help folks update their Character Directory information. Everyone's welcome to drop in, ask for a second opinion, totally open house. But some folks just need help pacing themselves, like an exercise regimen! It is a lot of paperwork. So, we've set up monthly themes, to help inspire folks to stay on task. Due dates for CD work are the last day of every month. Complete a theme, you earn a reward; let's call it an adoptable, just a little something. Complete a CD you win an official event award - we call them stickers. Does all that make sense? Here, let me show you:"

Dex bids you follow them into the studio, where at least a dozen dragons are posing for their portraits, retelling their personal histories to stenographers, or scrap-booking pictures of their friends and family. On the back wall of the studio is a white board with this month's theme outlined:

QuoteCD Update Challenge
March ~ Back to Basics
Week 1: Written physical description.
Week 2: Preliminary sketches/Determine color palette.
Week 3: Zoom in on difficult angles or details.
Week 4 Combine previous weeks into one, complete, detailed reference image.

"So, this month we're focusing on photo ID's. Each week brings you a step closer to a complete picture reference. For my part, I'm going through the archives chronologically, trying to get people to update their stuff. Some of these photos are really old! Make sense? Why don't you have a poke around; I'll be back to check on you in a bit. But feel free to come find me sooner if you have more questions!"

((For this month's challenge, start with your first ever dragon, the one you joined The Clan with. Maybe that dragon has aged and needs a new ref. Maybe you're taking their story in a new direction. Maybe you killed off that character. Whatever the case, it's kind of easy for your original character to get stagnant as new and exciting characters come onto the scene. Try going back to your roots, and sprucing up ol' reliable.
Share this space to brainstorm! Share your progress pics, your Google searches, the music you're listening to - let people see what you're doing! If you get stuck, reach out, let's work together to get inspired. Remember, it's not about drawing a pretty picture. Your dragon's reference is the first gateway another player has for RPing or gift giving... This is an icebreaker challenge, not a drawing competition.
You got a week left dudes. Make it happen.
Like the title says, homies! Design a Dream Dragon Wedding! Could be that of an existing dragon couple, or of an OTP, or just incorporate a dragon into a realistic wedding piece. You don't have to plan a whole ceremony if you don't want; incorporating any aspect of a wedding will earn you points. Please use any medium! There are some ideas listed below to help you get started.

Design a Dream Dragon Wedding.
+2 points - Write a short story/poem about a dream/nightmare wedding.
+2 points - Collage the ultimate dragon wedding gown. (Teeheehee! Plus points if it's organic!)
+2 points - Paint the perfect getaway-wedding location. (Bonuses for including cultural or exotic details.)
+2 points - Bake a cake! (Mmm, I'll give bonus points to whoever decorates theirs with the most frosting - I mean detail.)
+2 points - Arrange a bouquet of flowers in the palette of a particular dragon.
+2 points - Photograph plushies/figurines in a mock wedding procession.
+2 points - Arrange a playlist of the songs your dragon would play at his/her wedding.
+2 points - Sculpt cake toppers!
+2 points - Compose vows. (I solemnly swear that I am up to no good - I'll be back - Here's lookin' at you, kid - Err, it's harder then it looks. Bonus points to the funniest - crudest - most heartfelt.)
+2 points - Bead an engagement ring. (Ooo, yey! Bonus points if you make matching wedding bands too!)
+2 points - Map a pretend venue or menu. (Bonus points for zhose who remember to accommodate us qvads.)
+2 points - Make party favors! (Vhat's zhat? Gifts to take home. Vhat, like giblets? No, like candles. Giblets vouldst not make bad favors. Squick. I prefer Marsi-Ocelot's teas. Remember those? I remember. OH! Mimi has an idea, yes, no? Bonus points for making favors dragons would like best, yes, yeah? Unnng, nowv I vant chicken vings.)
+2 points - Draw a couple on their honeymoon.

BONUS Points:
+10 points - Design an entire wedding party (bride, groom, maid of honor, bridesmaids, best man, groomsmen, ring-bearer and flower girl).
+5 points - Design an entire wedding/mating ceremony (Be as civilized or as feral as you want.)
+1 point - Every additional prompt response after your initial response earns you an automatic bonus point.

Details details...
* The list above has suggestions, not limitations. Please interpret the prompt in any way which strikes your fancy. So long as dragons and weddings are somehow combined, I'm not fussy.
* Winner(s) and Runner-Up(s) will be determined by score.
* The deadline for prompt replies is May 31st.

HUZZAH! Hop to it!
//command: h4[|<z0|2z For the record, I think this is a terrible prompt >____<. I hope somebody has the comedic sense to scribble Bridezilla. I would reward some bonus points for a bridal meltdown.
We concur. We would allot some points to have an uninvited guest crash the wedding. Perhaps an ex-lover. Or a tsunami. B}
I know, YEY! Does it still have to be an art exchange, or can it be a prompt like you did last month?
Larrylarrylarry! Can i take over may since misha had to drop out?
Man my scanner picked a lousy time to break -____-; Sorry for the ghetto-fabulous image. I had to take a picture of my drawing with my phone, and then upload it from my phone and edit it online O_O

Sir Monte the Retired

Monte's bald, because he's always mussing with his hair. Not to mention he's so excitable, he probably worried all his hair away. He has liver spots too, from being out in the sun all day, questing and training... His cane top is actually the old, tarnished, battle-worn handle of his sword. Monte lost Tail on one terrible quest; the loyal sidekick has a headstone in the family graveyard. And Monte's right wing is all torn up from another quest some years after that. He was never the same once he lost his ability to fly. Monte now wears those pleated khakis all old people wear, and he needs suspenders to keep them on. He still insists on hobbling around shirtless, though.

That's Zesiro and Kaida on the right. Iro's grown into his whiskers and horns, finally! And he had just walked out for a smoke when he overheard his Dad telling war stories again; hence the cigarette in paw. I couldn't decide what Kaida was wearing: a tight t-shirt, a flowy babydoll T to pretend to hide her massive belly, a maternity shirt because she's not just fat she's preggerz... couldn't decide.

Those grandbabies are Iro's and Kaida's, respectively. The girl in the princess costume's got flame stripes, pigtails, and a feathered tail and wings. She's like if Iro, Corky and Latte made Test Tube Baby Soup, which really, when you think about it, is the way Iro would prefer to make babies. Select which traits you want and grow them in a petri dish? Like a mad scientist?! Yes, please! I'm sorry the picture's not colored, but if it were, her dress would be purple and black - no way Iro would let his little Dark Princess bring pink into his house! The boy with the cape and the sword is Kaida's son. He's got a flame tail, flame paws, and then dapples around his eyes and cheeks, and big spikes down his back and tail. It's supposed to be ambiguous whether he's the son of Denali, Jakal, Pintaq or someone from the Dalmetio family. I actually kind of like the idea of the Draco's and the Dalmetio's burying the hatchet two generations later with little grandbabies <3

If you can't read the captions, they go something like this:

Monte: "Did I ever tell you kids about the time I lost my Tail?"
Zesiro: "Don't start, Dad. We'll never get to the movies on time."
Grandbabies: "Tell it again , Grandpa!"
Kaida: "We might leave faster if somebody weren't allergic to doing the dishes!"

I have had this little strip in my head for weeks, and it was one of the most difficult things to put on paper. Wrinkles are hard, man!
The Commons / Re: Can't access my account for some reason
September 09, 2012, 07:25:46 PM
Yeah, I was able to read Crow just fine on the Member List a few days ago, so the story doesn't add up. Is there any other way to verify an account, Garfy? Maybe if Cr0w gave you her original login and e-mail info? Or who is Crow's fiancee? If he has an account on the site maybe he can verify Cr0w is Crow.
The Commons / Re: Now should I stay or should I go?
December 11, 2010, 03:34:42 PM
...Was it supposed to be a secret?... Your username was Dedo O_o

There are a lot of us who are buzzing around! Mind, I can think of one forum which needs some loving :'( (Sniff, I haven't made any Adoptables in ages. Misha's Christmas presents are really coming along though!) But if you're looking for active RPers, you've found 'em. Panda even invented a new form of roleplay: comics! It's awesome O_O. We've got some live RPs going too (I think I owe cred for that idea to Kathy?) where the thread is a constant location (like a restaurant) and RPers come in and out for however long you're online (like a chatroom). It's funky!

Pleeeeease come play with us, Chesh?

The Commons / Re: Small question...
June 17, 2008, 06:37:42 AM
*is Beaky* I've answered this question before, but I'll throw my two cents in once again. My twin-header, Don and Van, consider themselves individuals, even though they are conjoined from the shoulders down. I chose to create separate accounts for them because I consider them two different characters; they think for themselves and control different halves of their body. Other clanners, like Rana's dragon Truth, are "possessed" by a second character. Because the two characters not only share a body, but have the ability to take over the mind or actions of the other, than it makes more sense to RP them through one account. In my opinion, it comes down to a matter of free will.

In your case, your character seems certain that she is an individual despite her peculiar ability. So one account it is ^^. Incidentally, my dragon Monte's wife, Julius, split into a sort of Good Twin Bad Twin. Ni, the owner, considers Julius and Lucifer to be two different dragons now. To each his/her own.

And as a note of clarification, it's not just new members but all members are allowed 1 egg (to be turned into a dragon account) each month. You can easily trade for or win more eggs. I've earned five dragons in one month, so don't feel trapped by the egg rule. If you change your mind and want to create a second account, there will always be time.